Suggested grade level:
3rd - 5th
Climate Commitment:
Start an earth-friendly project with your friends and family
How to check out:
Browse your local library! Are you a reader at a San Diego County library? Check out our curated list here:
Book notes:
Strong focus on Indigenous themes
AR Points:
About the Book
Hetcha hey Hetcha ho Hetcha hey yeh ho Walking Coyote gently lifted the frightened buffalo calf and sang softly. Lone survivor of a herd slaughtered by white hunters, the calf was one of several buffalo orphans Walking Coyote adopted and later raised on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana. For thousands of years massive herds of buffalo roamed across much of North America, but by the 1870s fewer than fifteen hundred animals remained. Hunted to the brink of extinction, the buffalo were in danger of vanishing. With reverent care, Walking Coyote and his family endeavored to bring back the buffalo herds, one magnificent creature at a time. Here is the inspiring story of the first efforts to save the buffalo, an animal sacred to Native Americans and a powerful symbol of the American West. From the foresight and dedication of a few individuals such as Walking Coyote came the eventual survival of these majestic animals, one of the great success stories of endangered species rescue in United States history.
Climate Commitment Activity
Start an earth-friendly project with your friends and family
Dive deeper into the related climate commitment! Download our activity sheet by clicking the preview below.
Reflection Sheets and Book Reviews
Reflect on what you read and share your thoughts with other Climate Kids by completing a reflection sheet and/or book review! Download the templates by clicking the previews below.