climate kids

Habitat fragmentation and development, as a result of building roads and human influences, is affecting the amount of space animals have to live and move around. As the climate changes, animals and plants will need to move around to find the resources (food, water, and mates) they need to survive.
These activities will help you explore the importance of a connected ecosystem and how you can help plants and animals in your local area.

hands-on science

Species Range Shifts
As climate change creates new temperature and precipitation patterns, the ranges that some species occupy -- particularly in mountainous areas like the Sierra Nevada -- are changing. Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have been re-surveying birds and mammals at sites in California that were first surveyed nearly 100 years ago by Joseph Grinnell. The results show how species' ranges have shifted in association with climate change. At the same time, staff at Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park are working to apply the science to park management and to engage the public in understanding what change means for future biodiversity in the park.
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9 minutes

Wildlife, Climate Change, and You!
The Climate Science Alliance teamed up with local ecologists and climatologists to assess how climate change is impacting ecosystems and wildlife in Southern California and Northern Baja. Key points from this regional assessment, which informs California’s 4th Climate Change Assessment, are outlined in this pocket guide.
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¡La Vida Silvestre, el Cambio Climático, y Tú!
Climate Science Alliance se asoció con ecoogistas locales y climatólogos para evaluar cómo está afectando el cambio climático a los ecosistemas, flora y fauna en el sur de California y el norte de Baja California. Los puntos clave de esta evaluación regional, que informan la 4ta Evaluación del Cambio Climático de California, se describen en esta guía de bolsillo.
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art activities

Colors of Conservation Coloring Book
As you color these pages and learn more about these unique plants and animals, consider actions you can take to create a better world for them and for you. (Mientras que colorea estas páginas y aprende más sobre estas plantas y animales únicos, piensa en las acciones que puedes tomar para crear un mundo mejor para ellos y para ti.)
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Climate Kids Bingo (English)
Climate Science Alliance Affiliated Artist and Science, Media, and Art Intern Audrey Carver created this fun Climate Kids Bingo Card to challenge all the Climate Kids at home with different ways they could help reduce their impact on the earth.
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Climate Kids Bingo (Español)
Audrey Carver, artista afiliada y becaria de ciencias, medios y arte del Climate Science Alliance, creó este divertido cartón de bingo de Climate Kids para retar a todos los chicos de Climate Kids con diferentes maneras posibles de reducir su impacto en el planeta.
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Can Wildlife Adapt to Climate Change?
With rising temperatures and seas, massive droughts, and changing landscapes, successfully adapting to climate change is increasingly important. For humans, this can mean using technology to find solutions. But for some plants and animals, adapting to these changes involves the most ancient solution of all: evolution. Erin Eastwood explains how animals are adapting to climate change.
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Activity Time
5 minutes

Fever on the Land
Temperatures all over the world are rising due to climate change, effecting the plant and animal life. Learn about the Earth, the changes in climate and its affects on the plants and animals, and what you can do to help preserve our planet with Fever on the Land.
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5 minutes

Climate Kids Scavenger Hunt
As Climate Kids, it's important to enjoy the natural spaces we are trying to protect. Use this Climate Kids Scavenger Hunt Card to take a hike and closely observe the nature all around us. Take your nature journal with you and draw or describe each of your observations.
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Climate Kids Búsqueda de Tesoros
Como parte de Climate Kids, es importante disfrutar de los espacios naturales que queremos proteger. Utilicen esta tarjeta Climate Kids Búsqueda de Tesoros para realizar una caminata y observar de cerca la naturaleza que nos rodea. Lleve su diario de la naturaleza y dibuje o describa cada una de sus observaciones.
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10 cosas que podemos hacer para darle una oportunidad a la vida silvestre
El cambio climático está creando un obstáculo para que la vida silvestre encuentre comida y refugio, y crie a sus bebés. Puedes ayudar a reducir la presión experimentada por la vida silvestre con la implementación de estás 10 cosas.
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