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A pollinator is an animal that helps plants produce fruit or seeds. When pollinators such as bees, birds, bats, butterflies, and small mammals go to plants to eat their nectar, they get pollen grains stuck on them, which then rubs off onto the next plant they travel to. The pollen from one plant can fertilize the next plant that the pollinator gets nectar from. Only fertilized plants can make fruit and/or seeds, and without them, the plants cannot reproduce.
Pollinators are essential to plant propagation and our food production. As the earth warms and precipitation changes, pollinators and their plants are in trouble - we will learn more with the following activities.

hands-on science

art activities


additional resources

Climate Science & Pollinators Traveling Trunk
While participating in the Climate Kids activities of art, science, and storytelling, students will gain an understanding of what pollinators are, their important role in our lives, and how they will be affected by a changing climate and increased human activity.
Activity Type
Activity Time

Climate Science + Pollinators Traveling Trunk Training
Learn how to use the Climate Science + Pollinators Traveling Trunk with your student group.
While participating in the Climate Kids activities of art, science, and storytelling, students will gain an understanding of what pollinators are, their important role in our lives, and how they will be affected by a changing climate and increased human activity.
Activity Type
Activity Time
10 minutes
partner resources
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