On March 10th, Alliance Team Member Audrey Carver participated in Science Explorer Club at the Barona Band of Mission Indians reservation, led by retired geologist from SDSU and USGS, Dr. Eleanora Robbins. Learn about all the fun outdoor activities and lessons on today’s blog!

Each month, Norrie Robbins visits Tribal communities to lead the Science Explorers Club. She fills belly packs with insect sample jars, field guides, and magnifying glasses, and takes groups of elementary kids out to explore the world around them. This month, Audrey Carver joined the group to help talk about insects and pollinators, which plants and animals come out during the spring, and the phenological impacts of climate change. Participants were delighted to find blossoming flowers, spiders, water bugs, and even a snail. They took samples of water from different streams, and looked through leaves and grass to see what lay beneath their feet. It was a fun, muddy day of joy, and we look forward to coming back in the future.
Many thanks to Norrie Robbins for the work that she does and for allowing us to join!