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Biomimicry Performs for Climate Kids at Cajon Valley Middle School

Alliance Affiliated Artists and County Park Ranger Superstars, Biomimicry, recently joined Climate Kids at Cajon Valley Middle School to learn about climate’s impact on pollinators through song and dance. Check it out!

San Diego County Parks and Recreation’s interpretative educational performance group “Biomimicry”, who are also Affiliated Artists with the Climate Science Alliance, recently performed for an assembly of over 200 students at Cajon Valley Middle School. This Climate Kids x Biomimicry joint assembly engaged students through hands-on activities about climate change, the animals and habitats affected - especially pollinators, and how we can all help make a difference. Climate Kids provided their hands-on traveling trunk activities and Biomimicry lead an interactive performance using popular songs tailored to climate change science messaging.

A huge thank you to Biomimicry’s Michelle Levesque, Aiden Renner, and Brian Ek for your continued partnership and providing this amazing experience for the kids. Students were beyond excited to connect and learn from you! We look forward to working together again soon!

Find out more about Climate Kids and our Affiliated Artist program at:


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