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Climate Kids Program Receives SDG&E 2020 Environmental Champions Grant

The Climate Science Alliance is honored and excited to receive a 2020 Environmental Champions Grant from San Diego Gas and Electric to help support our Climate Kids CONNECTS Programming.

The Climate Science Alliance is honored and excited to receive a 2020 Environmental Champions Grant from San Diego Gas and Electric!

This generous grant will support the Alliance’s Climate Kids Program and the transition of our materials to our new online interface - Climate Kids CONNECTS. As our world begins to shift, we understand the need to adapt for an emergent digital community. By enhancing our online outreach efforts with Climate Kids CONNECTS we can build capacity and continued educator support for climate education in a world that is moving online. With this program we look forward to supporting our community in the following ways:

>> Supporting Youth: We will transition a set of our Climate Kids modules and develop additional climate education activities to be available online. Resources will be digitized in the form of videos (available in English and Spanish) and online interactives to support student learning.  

>> Supporting Educators: We will host and record virtual trainings for our core curriculum and make these available. This will help build capacity in the San Diego region and allow us to train educators as the Climate Kids program expands. Lastly, we will support project-based learning classrooms with virtual climate presentations and resources while developing online content alongside students. 

>> Supporting Community: We will initiate digital climate outreach campaigns and partner with online media outlets to create content focused on climate impacts to the region and community-based solutions. 

With this digital frontier, we are excited to not only connect and support students that we would normally work with, but also reach new populations of educators, students, and community members. By partnering with local educators and districts we can use these tools to make climate science more accessible in historically underrepresented communities that are often disproportionately affected by climate change. 

The Climate Science Alliance is extremely grateful for San Diego Gas and Electric’s ongoing support of our programs and their dedication to environmental education in our community!  


About Climate Kids: Climate Kids is a series of community level collaborative projects that provide youth education on climate change through science activities, storytelling, and art. Each Climate Kids project brings together local artists, scientists, educators, and storytellers to engage students of all socioeconomic levels and inspire them to become environmental stewards. Through partnerships with climate scientists and qualified educators, Climate Kids encourages curiosity about the natural world while providing youth the tools necessary to make educated decisions about how to protect our planet in the future. 

Learn more about the Climate Kids program at 

Learn more about SDGE’s Environmental Champions Initiative at


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