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Club Juvenil de Fotógrafos de Naturaleza


San Quintin Bay, Mexico

Nathalia Lugo Murillo, Francisco Lugo Murillo, Joan Gisus Hernández, Joana Hernández, Mirna Borrego Lazalde, José Lamberto Hernández


We have decided to get involved in this project because we care about the conservation of the natural resources in San Quintín Bay (Mexico). We have grown up in this community and we are witnessing how the habitat is disappearing, therefore, we want to contribute to its conservation by raising awareness so people know what we have and learn to appreciate it and protect it.
Our community is surrounded by volcanoes, dunes, and wetlands of international importance. It is a habitat for thousands of species and migratory birds and a site of high oyster production. In addition, there are agricultural fields all around the community, this is one of the principal sources of employment for the population. Unfortunately, we are facing great challenges because of drought and contamination. This is why we want to inform and raise awareness in our families, friends, and people from the community about the appropriate use of natural resources around us, the sustainable use of water, wetland protection, and the elimination of illegal dumpsites created in the zone.


As a youth club of nature photographers, we use photography as a tool to tell stories about our community and the environmental problems we face. By taking these pictures, we aim to share the inspiration and hope needed to make a change in our community. In February 2020, we will celebrate the World Wetlands Day in the community of Chapala (San Quintín), right at the entrance to the wetlands in the area. We will organize a festival for this celebration that will include educational activities, this way the neighboring schools will be able to join us. One of the activities we are expecting to offer is a photographic safari tour in the wetlands. We will explain their importance, show plants, birds and scenery, and the people attending the tour will be able to take photos and explore it. We want people to know about the importance of wetlands to protect them and live in harmony with nature.
We will address the problems in our community by offering activities of environmental education that show the importance and beauty of this land. We expect to inspire the community to join the club for the protection of our natural resources.

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  • Hosted a 2020 World Wetlands Day Festival for the community of San Quintín

  • Photographic Safari in Wetlands: 120 middle and high school students (from Telesecundaria 59 and Cobach San Quintín, respectively) were given a guided visit to the San Quintín Bay wetlands, where they learned about the environmental value of San Quintin Bay and the importance of wetlands to mitigate climate change. They also had the opportunity to take pictures and explore the surroundings. They were surprised and delighted to receive this talk by young people of their same age.

  • Environmental Education Activities: The Club members presented three educational modules to the 120 students with the support of their teacher, as well as archeologist Enah Fonseca and Terra Peninsular staff members. The educational modules they presented were: 7 “Leave No Trace” principles, “The Natural World of San Quintín”, and “Discovering The Past, San Quintín Archaeology”.

  • Developed an informative brochure in English and Spanish. The Club participated with 12 photos of their authorship in the exhibition “Travesía, a look at the natural world of San Quintín.”

  • Managed a workshop on social network and strategic communication management, but the club's social networks have not yet been made to the public. Thanks to the diffusion of the 2020 call, as well as the wetlands event and exhibition, the club received the interest from young people and adults to join the club. To date, 8 new members have joined the club. The club has also received many requests from the Caracol Science Museum and the Autonomous University of Baja California to make exhibitions of the Club’s work.

  • Presented an exhibition at the San Quintín City Hall, where students talked about the origin of “Huellas Volcánicas” and presented the 8 new members. This first exhibition was on display for one month; more than 1,000 residents of San Quintín have visited it and learned about the club and the projects that they are currently carrying out.

  • The Club was publicly recognized by key government and tourism actors in San Quintín.

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educating youth on climate change through science, art, and storytelling
a program of the climate science alliance

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The Climate Science Alliance Team acknowledges the Indigenous peoples on whose traditional territory we work and live. We honor the continued presence and resilience of Indigenous communities and nations today, and thank those we work with for your friendship and your good will in our efforts to collaborate.


The Climate Science Alliance is fiscally sponsored by the California Wildlife Foundation (Tax ID: 68-0234744).

© Climate Science Alliance 2025

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